UberGeek's Signature

I kept running out of space in my signature, since I have several games released and in Playtest. I had a lot of links and about 4 lines of text, which was a bit overwhelming.
So I created this webpage which contains more detailed information about what I'm currently up to. I'm going to try to keep it current, so check back often!
Now I can free up valuable space in my signature for things like inspirational quotes from Dilbert. ;-)

Main Website - UberGeekGames.com - Now updated to work in IE, and with 90% less programmer art! (yes, I did the background image using an XNA app and Photoshop)
Blog - UberGeekGames.com/Blog - not a "true" blog as it's a heavily modified version of the main website, but it gets the job done. Now with RSS and Atom feeds. Now I just need to use it more often...
Twitter - twitter.com/ubergeekgames - I promise to keep it to the good stuff and not bore you with what I had for dinner!

Released Games
A Game of Tennis - Classic paddle action, with Global Scoreboards,  local and online multiplayer, and advanced human like AI!
Awesome Tank - One or two player 3D tank combat game, with local and online co-op, two Global Scoreboards, plus Awardments and a myriad of options for game customization!
GameFinder - Rate games, sort games, and find the best games to play! A virtual store and ratings platform, dedicated to helping you find the best games on Xbox LIVE Indie Games.

Dungeon Adventure - Classic Roguelike action,  right in your living room! Features infinite random dungeons, Awardments, and Global Scoreboards to prove you are the best Adventurer!
Super Avatar Hero Force - Use your Avatar's slow-mo ninja kung-fu skills to take out an endless horde of zombie Avatars, defeat giant robots, and save adorable kittens. Prove your awesomeness on the Global Scoreboards and unlock a variety of Awardments!
The MANLY Game for MANLY Men - Hurl your Avatar down four scenic mountains to collect ACME MAN BLAST and become the MANLIEST of MANLY MEN!

Coming Soon:

Avatar Land - Create and share entire worlds to run and jump through in this platforming adventure for your Avatar.
BulletAsylum - What do you get if you take the classic "defend cities from meteors" genre, increase the level of firepower from "wimpy" to "insane", boil the controls down to "push thumbstick or touch screen to shoot", add crazy over the top bosses and screenfuls of enemy ships blasting at you, and give it a thick coat of HD graphics and advanced shaders? That's what we're attempting to find out. Preliminary reports are "epicness".
Dungeon Adventure WP7 - Why do you need to be tethered to your Xbox to enjoy the addictive dungeon adventuring that is Dungeon Adventure? I couldn't come up with a plausible reason either, so ported it to Windows Phone 7!

For Developers
AvatarWrapper (latest version: 2.2 release) - this is a wrapper component I wrote for the new XNA 3.1 Avatars. It greatly simplifies the creation of Avatar based games by providing an easy to use API for controlling Avatars, adding custom animations, and rendering them on the PC. Now includes the skeleton rigs that somehow got left out in the 2.1 release.
AvatarDistributionComponent - this was hacked together from Jon Watte's HighscoreComponent to prove a theory. By adding the component to your project and sending a SignedInGamer's Avatar to it, it will create network sessions in the background and exchange AvatarDescriptions with whoever happens to be playing at the same time. I still haven't come up with any ideas for how it would be useful in an actual game, but it is pretty cool!
ScrollBar Component - TG Viking's ScrollBar, but refactored into its own class for ease of use.
EasyRotation - 3D Rotation simplified!
Sales Data Converter - Think the My Business page could do with some extra features? Copy and paste its content here, or load the raw CSV files to automatically get daily details such as profit, conversion rate, and much more!
Battlestar Galactica text effects in XNA - because just fading in text is so yester-millenium.

Thanks for reading this. See you on the forums!